Stomach Cancer

What is the Stomach?

The stomach is a muscular capacious organ, located in the upper and the left side of the abdomen. The organ lies immediately below the left lobe of the liver and in close approximation to the spleen. The stomach lies exactly in front of the pancreas and through a fat layer (omentum) is attached to the large intestine colon).

The stomach marks the beginning of the intra abdominal part of the gastrointestinal tract. It receives food from the gullet esophagus ), through the lower esophageal sphincter and the muscular action of the stomach propels it further into the intestines, after it has been partially digested and liquefied by the gastric ( stomach ) acid and digestive juices.

The stomach has a rich network of blood vessels supplying it and also has a rich lymphatic drainage, which drains into various lymph nodes located in different territories around the stomach.


There are different types of stomach cancer depending on the cell of origin

1. Adenocarrinoma

Almost 90-95%. of all stomach cancers are adenocarcinomas. These arise from the cellular lining of the stomach mucosa. The stomach cancer term used in conventional terms refers to adenocarcinoma of the stomach.

2. Lymphoma

These are tumours arising from the immune cells lymphoid cells), within the liver. The type of lymphoma arising from the stomach is usually a Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma. These have a relatively good prognosis when treated appropriately and correctly.

3. GastroIntestinal Stoma! Tumor : Gin

These are stoma! tumor and arise within the wall of the stomach ( muscular coat ), unlike the adenocarcinoma. Some of them exhibit benign behavior while others may be aggressive.

4. Neuro Endocr the tumor NFT

These are a special type of tumours , arising from the neuroendocrine cells ( enterochromaffin cells ) of the gastric lining. They exhibit a range of clinical behavior from being entirely harmless to very aggressive fast-growing tumours Neuroendocrine carcinomas ).

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