
Stomach Cancer

Stomach cancer is an abnormal growth of cells that begins in the stomach. There are different types of stomach cancer depending on the cell of origin.

  • Adenocarrinoma
  • Lymphoma
  • GastroIntestinal Stoma! Tumor : Gin
  • Neuro Endocr the tumor NFT

Colon Cancer

Colon cancer is a type of cancer that begins in the large intestine (colon). The colon is the final part of the digestive tract. The large intestine is also called the colon. The colon has different sections ( segments ). The last part of the colon is called the rectum, which itself terminates on the exterior through the anal canal. 

Colonic Polyps

The colon is the large intestine & Polyps are growths arising out of these cells. Colonic polyps are broadly classified as neoplastic and non-neoplastic. Neoplastic polyps are the ones that can grow in size and number and can turn cancerous. These are also called medically as adenomatous polyps. Nonneoplastic polyps are benign and do not turn into cancer.

Rectal Cancer

Rectal cancer is cancer that begins in the rectum. The rectum is the last several inches of the large intestine. The rectum terminates in the anal opening and serves as the transit for the stool passage. The rectum is about 15 cm long. It’s divided into three parts which are generally divided as to their distance from the external anal opening.

Neuroendocrine Tumours

These are a special type of tumour – these arise in a special type of cells – located and found within the INTESTINE – these cells are called the neuroendocrine cells. The neuroendocrine cells are like nerve cells and are like hormone making endocrine cells. Neuroendocrine tumours can arise virtually in any part of the body and by itself, they are rare tumours.

The tumours prize from specialised cells which secrete specific chemicals ( hormones ). The over secretion of these hormones results in specific symptom complexes ( syndromes ) which can be attributed to the action of these hormones. Tumours associated with over secretion of these hormones and specific syndromes are called “Functioning tumours”. There are Neuroendocrine tumours ( NET ), which do not secrete specific hormones and are referred to as “Non-Functioning Tumours”.


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